genid Command Examples in Linux

genid is a tool that can be used to generate various types of unique identifiers, such as snowflakes, UUIDs, and GAIDs. A snowflake ID is a unique 64-bit integer that is generated using a combination of the current time, a machine ID, and a sequence number. These IDs are typically used to generate unique identifiers for things like tweets, messages, or events, and are commonly used in distributed systems where a globally unique ID is needed.

UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a standardized 128-bit format for unique identification. UUIDs are often used to identify resources across different systems, such as databases, file systems, and networks. A GAID (Google Advertising ID) is a unique, user-resettable ID for advertising. It is used to identify a user across all of their devices, and it is intended for use with Google’s advertising and analytics services.

genid Command Examples

1. Generate a UUIDv4:

# genid uuid

2. Generate a UUIDv5 using a namespace UUID and a specific name:

# genid uuidv5 ce598faa-8dd0-49ee-8525-9e24fff71dca name

3. Generate a Discord Snowflake, without a trailing newline (useful in shell scripts):

# genid --script snowflake

4. Generate a Generic Anonymous ID with a specific “real ID”:

# genid gaid real_id

5. Generate a Snowflake with the epoch set to a specific date:

# genid snowflake --epoch=unix_epoch_time


In summary, genid is a tool that can be used to generate various types of unique identifiers such as snowflakes, UUIDs, and GAIDs. These identifiers can be used in many different types of applications and systems, such as distributed systems, databases, file systems, and networks.

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