gdb: The GNU Debugger

“GDB” (GNU Debugger) is a powerful command-line tool used for debugging programs written in languages like C, C++, Ada, and other supported programming languages. It is part of the GNU Project and is widely used by software developers to analyze and resolve issues in their code during the development and testing stages.

Here are some key points to elaborate on “GDB”:

  • Debugging Capabilities: GDB allows developers to investigate and understand the behavior of their programs at runtime. It provides a range of debugging features, including setting breakpoints at specific lines or functions, examining variables and their values, stepping through code line by line, and evaluating expressions. These capabilities help developers identify and fix bugs, memory issues, logical errors, and other problems that may arise during program execution.
  • Platform and Language Support: GDB is a versatile debugger that supports a wide range of platforms and programming languages. It is commonly used for debugging programs written in C, C++, and Ada, but it also supports other languages through language-specific extensions. GDB runs on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it a popular choice among developers across different environments.
  • Command-Line Interface: GDB is primarily operated through a command-line interface, where developers interact with the debugger by entering commands and examining the output. It provides a rich set of commands for controlling program execution, inspecting variables and memory, setting breakpoints, handling signals, and more. While it may require some initial learning, the command-line interface offers flexibility and advanced functionality for effective debugging.
  • Breakpoints and Stepping: One of the core features of GDB is the ability to set breakpoints at specific points in the code. When the program execution reaches a breakpoint, it pauses, allowing developers to examine the state of the program at that point. GDB also supports stepping through the code, allowing developers to execute the program line by line, step into function calls, step over sections of code, and examine variables and memory at each step.
  • Variable Inspection and Memory Examination: GDB provides mechanisms to inspect the values of variables, including local variables, global variables, and dynamically allocated memory. Developers can print the values of variables, examine the contents of data structures, and track changes to variables during program execution. GDB also allows for memory examination, enabling developers to inspect memory addresses, view memory content, and detect memory-related issues like buffer overflows or memory leaks.
  • Core Dump Analysis: GDB is capable of analyzing core dump files generated when a program crashes. A core dump file contains the state of the program’s memory at the time of the crash, providing valuable information for post-mortem analysis. By loading the core dump file into GDB, developers can examine the state of the program, inspect variables, and analyze the cause of the crash.
  • Extensibility and Integration: GDB is highly extensible, allowing developers to customize and extend its functionality. It supports scripting with languages like Python and provides an API for creating custom commands and extensions. This flexibility enables developers to integrate GDB with their development workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance debugging capabilities.
  • Integration with Development Environments: While GDB is primarily a command-line tool, it is often integrated with integrated development environments (IDEs) and text editors. IDEs like Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Code::Blocks provide graphical interfaces and enhanced debugging features built on top of GDB. This integration simplifies the debugging process and provides a more user-friendly experience for developers.

gdb Command Examples

1. Debug an executable:

# gdb executable

2. Attach a process to gdb:

# gdb -p procID

3. Debug with a core file:

# gdb -c core executable

4. Execute given GDB commands upon start:

# gdb -ex "commands" executable

5. Start gdb and pass arguments to the executable:

# gdb --args executable argument1 argument2


In summary, GDB (GNU Debugger) is a versatile and powerful tool for debugging programs written in various programming languages. With its extensive debugging capabilities, support for different platforms, command-line interface, variable inspection, memory examination, and integration with development environments, GDB assists

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