fdp: Render an image of a force-directed network graph from a graphviz file

“fdp” is a command-line tool that allows you to render an image of a force-directed network graph from a graphviz file. It is part of the Graphviz suite of tools, which are widely used for visualizing and analyzing graphs and networks.

A force-directed network graph represents a network of nodes connected by edges. It simulates physical forces acting on the nodes and edges to determine their layout in a visually pleasing manner. The nodes in the graph represent entities, while the edges represent relationships or connections between them.

When you run the “fdp” command, you provide a graphviz file as input, which contains the definition of the graph structure and any additional attributes or properties. The file typically uses the DOT language, a simple textual representation for describing graphs.

The “fdp” tool applies a force-directed layout algorithm to the graph, which determines the positions of the nodes and the curvature of the edges. The algorithm adjusts the positions of the nodes based on attractive and repulsive forces, seeking a balance between minimizing edge crossings and achieving a visually appealing arrangement.

The layout algorithms available in “fdp” include:

  • dot: Hierarchical layout suitable for directed acyclic graphs.
  • neato: Classic spring model layout.
  • twopi: Radial layout, with nodes placed on concentric circles.
  • circo: Circular layout, with nodes placed on a circle.
  • fdp: Force-directed placement layout, the default algorithm used by “fdp.”
  • sfdp: Multiscale version of the force-directed placement layout.
  • osage: Organized spatial layout algorithm, particularly suitable for large graphs.
  • patchwork: Experimental layout algorithm for arranging disconnected components.

By selecting the appropriate layout algorithm, you can control the visual representation of the network graph to best convey the desired information or aesthetics.

Once the graph is rendered, “fdp” produces an image file in a variety of formats, such as PNG, SVG, PDF, or PostScript. This image file can be viewed, shared, or further processed using other tools or applications.

The ability to visualize network graphs using “fdp” can be valuable in various domains, including network analysis, social network analysis, data visualization, and system modeling. It helps in understanding the relationships and structures within complex networks, identifying patterns, and communicating insights effectively.

fdp Command Examples

1. Render a png image with a filename based on the input filename and output format (uppercase -O):

# fdp -T png -O path/to/input.gv

2. Render a svg image with the specified output filename (lowercase -o):

# fdp -T svg -o path/to/image.svg path/to/input.gv

3. Render the output in a specific format:

# fdp -T [ps|pdf|svg|fig|png|gif|jpg|json|dot] -O path/to/input.gv

4. Render a gif image using stdin and stdout:

# echo "digraph {this -> that} " | fdp -T gif > path/to/image.gif

5. Display help:

# fdp -?


In summary, “fdp” is a command-line tool from the Graphviz suite used to render an image of a force-directed network graph. It applies a force-directed layout algorithm to determine the positions of nodes and the curvature of edges. The tool supports various layout algorithms, allowing you to choose the most suitable one for your graph. The rendered graph can be saved as an image file for further analysis or presentation.

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