f3read and f3write Command Examples

“f3read” and “f3write” are two utilities that work in conjunction to validate and test the real capacity of a storage drive, such as a flash drive or a microSD card. These tools use special test files with the “.h2w” extension to perform their operations.

The purpose of “f3read” is to validate the integrity of the data written to a storage drive using the “.h2w” files. It reads the contents of the drive and compares them against the original test files, ensuring that the data stored on the drive is intact and error-free. By verifying the data integrity, “f3read” provides assurance that the drive is functioning correctly and that the written data can be read back accurately.

On the other hand, “f3write” is used to fill a storage drive with the “.h2w” files. These files contain predefined patterns of data that are written to the drive, effectively occupying its available space. The purpose of this process is to test the real capacity of the drive by filling it completely with data. By doing so, “f3write” helps reveal the actual storage capacity of the drive and identify any discrepancies between the advertised capacity and the real capacity.

When used together, “f3read” and “f3write” form a comprehensive testing and validation process. “f3write” fills the drive with the test files, and “f3read” subsequently verifies the written data against those files. This ensures that the drive is correctly storing and retrieving data, providing insights into its actual capacity and integrity.

It’s important to note that both “f3read” and “f3write” operate on the low-level block level of the drive, rather than working with individual files. This allows them to assess the entire storage space and validate the drive’s performance without being affected by the file system or specific file types.

These tools are particularly useful when dealing with storage devices that may have counterfeit capacities or unreliable performance. By using “f3read” and “f3write,” users can gain confidence in the real capacity and functionality of the drive, helping them make informed decisions about its usage and reliability.

It’s worth mentioning that “f3read” and “f3write” are advanced tools intended for users who require precise testing and validation of storage drives. They may require some technical knowledge and should be used with caution, as they perform write operations on the drive that can potentially overwrite existing data. It’s always advisable to back up any important data before using these tools.

f3read Command Examples

1. Validate a device by checking the files in a given directory:

# f3read /path/to/mount_point

f3write Command Examples

1. Write test files to a given directory, filling the drive:

# f3write /path/to/mount_point

2. Limit the write speed:

# f3write --max-write-rate=kb_per_second /path/to/mount_point


In summary, “f3read” and “f3write” are utilities used to validate and test the real capacity of storage drives. They utilize “.h2w” files to fill and verify the data on the drive, providing insights into the actual capacity and integrity of the storage device. By using these tools, users can verify the accuracy of the advertised capacity and ensure reliable performance of their drives.

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