ect: Efficient Compression Tool

The ect command stands for Efficient Compression Tool. It is a file optimizer written in C++ that aims to reduce the file size of various types of files, including PNG, JPG, GZIP, and ZIP files.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the ect command:

  • File Optimization: The primary purpose of the ect command is to optimize file sizes by applying different compression techniques specific to each supported file type.
  • Supported File Formats: ect supports several common file formats, including PNG (Portable Network Graphics), JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), GZIP (GNU Zip), and ZIP (compressed archive).
  • PNG Optimization: For PNG files, ect applies lossless compression techniques to reduce the file size without compromising the image quality. It can remove unnecessary metadata, perform color quantization, and employ various compression algorithms.
  • JPG Optimization: For JPG files, ect applies lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size. It optimizes the image’s visual quality based on user-defined settings, discarding some details that may not be noticeable to the human eye.
  • GZIP and ZIP Optimization: For GZIP and ZIP files, ect utilizes specific algorithms to compress and reduce the overall file size. This can be beneficial when dealing with large archives or compressed files.
  • Efficiency and Performance: ect is designed to provide efficient and fast compression capabilities. It utilizes optimized algorithms and takes advantage of multi-core processors to optimize file sizes quickly and effectively.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): The ect command is used from the command line, allowing for easy integration into scripts, automation workflows, or manual optimization processes.

Here’s an example usage of the ect command:

# ect myfile.png -o optimized.png

In this example, myfile.png is the input file that you want to optimize, and optimized.png is the output file where the optimized version will be saved. The command processes the PNG file and applies the appropriate compression techniques to reduce its file size.

Please note that ect may have additional options and flags available for more fine-grained control over the optimization process. You can refer to the documentation or resources provided by the ect tool for more information on advanced usage and available options.

ect Command Examples

1. Compress a file:

# ect /path/to/file.png

2. Compress a file with specified compression level and multithreading (1=Fastest (Worst), 9=Slowest (Best), default is 3):

# ect -9 --mt-deflate /path/to/

3. Compress all files in a directory recursively:

# ect -recurse /path/to/directory

4. Compress a file, keeping the original modification time:

# ect -keep /path/to/file.png

5. Compress a file, stripping metadata:

# ect -strip /path/to/file.png
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