dwebp: dwebp decompresses WebP files into PNG, PAM, PPM or PGM images

The dwebp command is a utility provided by the WebP image format library. It is used to decompress WebP files into other image formats such as PNG, PAM, PPM, or PGM. However, it does not support decompressing animated WebP files.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the dwebp command:

  • WebP Image Format: WebP is a modern image format developed by Google that provides efficient compression for images on the web. It offers high-quality compression and is designed to be compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms.
  • Decompressing WebP Files: The dwebp command allows you to decompress WebP files, converting them into other image formats. It is commonly used to extract the contents of WebP files for further processing or displaying in applications that do not natively support the WebP format.
  • Supported Output Formats: dwebp supports several output formats for decompressed images, including PNG, PAM, PPM, and PGM. These formats are widely supported by image viewing and editing software.
  • Animated WebP Files: It’s important to note that dwebp does not support decompressing animated WebP files. Animated WebP files contain multiple frames, forming a sequence of images to create an animation. The dwebp command is intended for static WebP images only.

Here’s an example usage of the dwebp command:

# dwebp input.webp -o output.png

In this example, input.webp represents the WebP file you want to decompress, and output.png specifies the output file name and format. After running the command, dwebp will decompress the WebP file and save the result as a PNG image.

It’s important to have the dwebp utility installed on your system to use the command. The availability and installation method of dwebp may vary depending on your operating system. You can refer to the documentation or resources provided by the WebP library for instructions on installing and using dwebp on your specific platform.

dwebp Command Examples

1. Convert a webp file into a png file:

# dwebp path/to/input.webp -o path/to/output.png

2. Convert a webp file into a specific filetype:

# dwebp path/to/input.webp [-bmp|-tiff|-pam|-ppm|-pgm|-yuv] -o path/to/output

3. Convert a webp file, using multi-threading if possible:

# dwebp path/to/input.webp -o path/to/output.png -mt

4. Convert a webp file, but also crop and scale at the same time:

# dwebp input.webp -o output.png -crop x_pos y_pos width height -scale width height

5. Convert a webp file and flip the output:

# dwebp path/to/input.webp -o path/to/output.png -flip

6. Convert a webp file and don’t use in-loop filtering to speed up the decoding process:

# dwebp path/to/input.webp -o path/to/output.png -nofilter
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