dpkg-query Command Examples in Linux

dpkg-query is a command-line tool in Linux used to query information about installed packages on a Debian-based system. It is part of the dpkg package management system, which is the default package management system for Debian and its derivatives, such as Ubuntu.

The dpkg-query command can be used to perform a variety of tasks related to installed packages, including:

  • Listing all installed packages on the system.
  • Checking the status of a specific package.
  • Displaying information about a specific package such as version and description.
  • Searching for a package by name or by other attributes.

dpkg-query Command Examples

1. List all installed packages:

# dpkg-query --list

2. List installed packages matching a pattern:

# dpkg-query --list 'libc6*'

3. List all files installed by a package:

# dpkg-query --listfiles libc6

4. Show information about a package:

# dpkg-query --status libc6

5. Search for packages that own files matching a pattern:

# dpkg-query --search /etc/ld.so.conf.d
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