“docker swarm” Command Examples

Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool provided by Docker. It enables you to manage and orchestrate a cluster of Docker nodes, forming a swarm where containers can be deployed and scaled across multiple machines.

Container orchestration refers to the management and coordination of containers to ensure they run efficiently and reliably. It allows you to deploy and manage containers as a unified system, rather than individually managing each container.

With Docker Swarm, you can create a swarm by designating one or more Docker hosts as manager nodes and joining other Docker hosts as worker nodes. Manager nodes are responsible for managing the swarm, orchestrating container deployment, and handling cluster-wide operations. Worker nodes, on the other hand, execute tasks and run containers based on the instructions provided by the manager nodes.

Some key features and functionalities of Docker Swarm include:

  • Service Deployment: Docker Swarm allows you to define services, which are specifications for running containers with specific configurations, such as the number of replicas, resource constraints, and network settings. The swarm manager ensures the desired state of services is maintained across the cluster.
  • Scalability: You can easily scale services in Docker Swarm by increasing or decreasing the number of replicas. The swarm manager distributes the workload across available nodes to ensure optimal utilization of resources.
  • Load Balancing: Docker Swarm provides built-in load balancing for services. Incoming requests are distributed across replicas of a service, allowing for high availability and efficient utilization of resources.
  • Self-Healing: If a container or node fails in a Docker Swarm, the manager automatically reschedules tasks to healthy nodes, ensuring that the desired number of replicas is maintained and applications continue running smoothly.
  • Rolling Updates: Docker Swarm supports rolling updates, allowing you to update services without downtime. It can gradually replace old containers with new ones, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your applications.
  • Overlay Networking: Docker Swarm provides an overlay network that allows containers running on different nodes to communicate with each other seamlessly. This simplifies the networking configuration and enables containers to interact regardless of their physical location within the swarm.

docker swarm Command Examples

1. Initialize a swarm cluster:

# docker swarm init

2. Display the token to join a manager or a worker:

# docker swarm join-token [worker|manager]

3. Join a new node to the cluster:

# docker swarm join --token token manager_node_url:2377

4. Remove a worker from the swarm (run inside the worker node):

# docker swarm leave

5. Display the current CA certificate in PEM format:

# docker swarm ca

6. Rotate the current CA certificate and display the new certificate:

# docker swarm ca --rotate

7. Change the valid period for node certificates:

# docker swarm update --cert-expiry [hours]h[minutes]m[seconds]s


Overall, Docker Swarm simplifies the management and deployment of containerized applications across a cluster of machines. It provides a robust and scalable solution for orchestrating containers, making it easier to build and manage complex distributed systems with Docker.

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