“docker start” Command Examples

The “docker start” command is a Docker CLI command used to start one or more stopped containers. It is used when you want to restart containers that were previously stopped or paused, allowing them to resume their execution.

Here are some key aspects of the “docker start” command:

1. Starting a container: To start a single stopped container, you can use the following command:

# docker start [CONTAINER]

Here, “[CONTAINER]” refers to the name or ID of the container you want to start.

2. Starting multiple containers: If you need to start multiple stopped containers simultaneously, you can specify their names or IDs as separate arguments in the command. For example:


3. Container state: When a container is started using “docker start”, it transitions from a stopped or paused state to a running state. The container resumes executing the commands and processes that were running before it was stopped or paused.

4. Running in detached mode: By default, the “docker start” command attaches the standard input (STDIN), standard output (STDOUT), and standard error (STDERR) streams of the container to the terminal from which the command is executed. This means you will see the container’s output in your terminal. If you want to start the container in detached mode, you can use the “-d” flag. For example:

# docker start -d [CONTAINER]

In detached mode, the container runs in the background, and you won’t see its output in the terminal.

5. Error conditions: If you try to start a container that is already running, the command will produce an error. Additionally, if a container has been created but not yet started, you can use the “docker start” command to initiate its execution.

The “docker start” command is useful when you want to restart containers that have been stopped or paused. It allows you to resume the execution of containers and bring them back to a running state. By starting containers as needed, you can manage your Docker environment and ensure that your applications and services are up and running.

docker start Command Examples

1. Show help:

# docker start

2. Start a docker container:

# docker start container

3. Start a container, attaching stdout and stderr and forwarding signals:

# docker start --attach container

4. Start one or more space-separated containers:

# docker start container(s)
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