detox: Renames files to make them easier to work with

“detox” is a utility tool designed to rename files in order to make them easier to work with. It specifically focuses on removing spaces and other problematic characters that can cause inconvenience or inconsistencies in file naming conventions.

The primary purpose of “detox” is to streamline file naming by eliminating spaces and resolving other annoyances. For example, if a file has multiple spaces between words or contains duplicate underline characters, “detox” can automatically modify the file name to remove these irregularities.

By removing spaces and other unwanted characters, “detox” helps create file names that are more readable, standardized, and compatible across different operating systems and file systems. This can be particularly useful when working with files in command-line interfaces or when dealing with applications that might encounter issues with special characters or excessive whitespace.

It’s important to note that “detox” does not modify the content or the actual data within the files themselves. It solely focuses on renaming the files to improve their usability and compatibility.

Using “detox” is typically straightforward. The tool provides various options and parameters that allow users to specify the renaming rules and patterns they want to apply. By configuring these options, users can define how “detox” should handle specific characters, spaces, or other annoyances in file names.

detox Command Examples

1. Remove spaces and other undesirable characters from a file’s name:

# detox /path/to/file

2. Show how detox would rename all the files in a directory tree:

# detox --dry-run -r /path/to/directory

3. Remove spaces and other undesirable characters from all files in a directory tree:

# detox -r /path/to/directory


Overall, “detox” simplifies the process of renaming files by automatically removing spaces and resolving other common naming issues. It enhances the readability and compatibility of file names, making them more suitable for various workflows and applications.

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