deluge-console: An interactive interface for the Deluge BitTorrent client

The “deluge-console” is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to provide an interactive interface for the Deluge BitTorrent client. Deluge itself is a popular open-source BitTorrent client that allows users to download and share files using the BitTorrent protocol.

The “deluge-console” tool allows users to access and control the Deluge client from the command line, without the need for a graphical user interface (GUI). It provides a text-based environment where users can execute commands and perform various operations related to managing their BitTorrent downloads.

With the “deluge-console,” users can perform a wide range of tasks such as adding and removing torrents, monitoring download progress, changing download priorities, configuring download settings, and managing plugins. It offers a comprehensive set of commands and options that allow users to have fine-grained control over their BitTorrent downloads.

Using the interactive interface provided by “deluge-console,” users can navigate through different menus, view detailed information about torrents, pause/resume downloads, adjust bandwidth limits, and perform other administrative actions. The tool also supports scripting, enabling users to automate tasks and create custom workflows.

One of the advantages of using the “deluge-console” is its lightweight nature, which makes it suitable for headless servers or systems without a graphical interface. It can be accessed remotely via SSH or used locally on the machine running the Deluge client.

deluge-console Command Examples

1. Start the interactive console interface:

# deluge-console

2. Connect to a Deluge daemon instance:

connect hostname:port

3. Add a torrent to the daemon:

add [url|magnet|path/to/file]

4. Display information about all torrents:


5. Display information about a specific torrent:

info torrent_id

6. Pause a torrent:

pause torrent_id

7. Resume a torrent:

resume torrent_id

8. Remove a torrent from the daemon:

rm torrent_id


Overall, the “deluge-console” serves as a convenient and powerful tool for managing and controlling the Deluge BitTorrent client through the command line, offering flexibility and efficiency to users who prefer or require a text-based interface.

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