decaffeinate: Move your CoffeeScript source to modern JavaScript

“decaffeinate” is a tool used to migrate CoffeeScript source code to modern JavaScript. CoffeeScript is a programming language that compiles to JavaScript and provides a more concise and expressive syntax. However, as JavaScript has evolved over time with the introduction of new features and improvements, developers may find it beneficial to convert their existing CoffeeScript code to modern JavaScript.

Here are some key points to understand about “decaffeinate”:

  • CoffeeScript to JavaScript Migration: “decaffeinate” specifically focuses on converting CoffeeScript code to modern JavaScript code. It analyzes the CoffeeScript syntax and transforms it into equivalent JavaScript code that adheres to the latest ECMAScript standards. This allows developers to take advantage of new JavaScript features, optimizations, and tooling that may not be available in CoffeeScript.
  • Preserving Functionality: The primary goal of “decaffeinate” is to ensure that the converted JavaScript code maintains the same functionality as the original CoffeeScript code. It aims to faithfully translate the CoffeeScript constructs and logic into equivalent JavaScript constructs, ensuring that the behavior of the code remains consistent after the migration.
  • Handling CoffeeScript Features: CoffeeScript introduces several language features and syntax that differ from standard JavaScript. “decaffeinate” is equipped to handle these CoffeeScript-specific features and convert them into equivalent JavaScript code. This includes handling CoffeeScript-specific constructs like comprehensions, implicit returns, destructuring assignments, and more.
  • ECMAScript Compatibility: The converted JavaScript code produced by “decaffeinate” follows ECMAScript standards and guidelines. It aims to generate code that is compatible with modern JavaScript runtimes and can be readily understood and executed by modern web browsers and Node.js environments.
  • Gradual Migration: “decaffeinate” supports a gradual migration approach, allowing developers to convert their CoffeeScript codebase incrementally. Instead of converting the entire codebase at once, developers can convert individual files or modules, enabling a step-by-step migration process that minimizes disruptions and allows for easier debugging and testing.
  • Customization and Configuration: “decaffeinate” provides various configuration options and flags that allow developers to customize the conversion process. This includes options for specifying the ECMAScript version to target, handling specific CoffeeScript syntax patterns, enabling or disabling certain transformations, and more. This flexibility allows developers to tailor the migration process to their specific needs and codebase.
  • Integration with Build Tools: “decaffeinate” can be integrated into existing build tools and workflows. It can be invoked as a command-line tool or integrated into build scripts or automated processes to streamline the migration process. This allows for seamless integration with other tools and workflows used in the development environment.

decaffeinate Command Examples

1. Convert a CoffeeScript file to JavaScript:

# decaffeinate /path/to/

2. Convert a CoffeeScript v2 file to JavaScript:

# decaffeinate --use-cs2 /path/to/

3. Convert require and module.exports to import and export:

# decaffeinate --use-js-modules /path/to/

4. Convert a CoffeeScript, allowing named exports:

# decaffeinate --loose-js-modules /path/to/


In summary, “decaffeinate” is a tool that assists in migrating CoffeeScript code to modern JavaScript. By converting CoffeeScript syntax and constructs into equivalent JavaScript code, it enables developers to leverage the latest JavaScript features and tools while preserving the functionality of their existing CoffeeScript code. With its configurable options and support for gradual migration, “decaffeinate” offers flexibility and convenience for developers seeking to transition from CoffeeScript to modern JavaScript.

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