coredumpctl Command Examples in Linux

The coredumpctl command is a utility in Linux that is used to manage core dumps, which are snapshots of a process’s memory at the time of a crash. Core dumps can be useful for debugging purposes, as they provide information about the state of the process at the time of the crash.

To list all available core dumps, use the following command:

# coredumpctl list

This will display a list of all available core dumps, including the PID of the process, the name of the executable, and the time of the crash.

coredumpctl Command Examples

1. List all captured core dumps:

# coredumpctl list

2. List captured core dumps for a program:

# coredumpctl list program

3. Show information about the core dumps matching a program with `PID`:

# coredumpctl info PID

4. Invoke debugger using the last core dump of a program:

# coredumpctl debug program

5. Extract the last core dump of a program to a file:

# coredumpctl --output=path/to/file dump program
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