cmctl: A CLI tool that can help you to manage cert-manager resources inside your cluster

cmctl is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that provides convenient management capabilities for cert-manager resources within a Kubernetes cluster. cert-manager is an open-source certificate management solution that automates the issuance, renewal, and management of TLS certificates in a Kubernetes environment.

With cmctl, users can interact with cert-manager resources and perform various operations directly from the command line. The tool offers functionality to check the signing status of certificates, approve or deny certificate signing requests (CSRs), and initiate new certificate requests.

One of the key features of cmctl is the ability to check the signing status of certificates. It allows users to verify whether a certificate has been signed and issued successfully, ensuring that the TLS encryption for a particular service or domain is properly configured.

In addition, cmctl provides the capability to manage certificate signing requests. Users can review pending CSRs, approve or deny them based on their validity, and control the process of issuing new certificates. This functionality is especially useful in scenarios where manual approval or intervention is required before a certificate is signed and issued.

By offering these management capabilities through a command-line interface, cmctl simplifies the interaction with cert-manager resources. Users can automate or script certain certificate management tasks, integrate them into their CI/CD pipelines, or incorporate them into their existing tooling and workflows.

cmctl leverages the cert-manager API and integrates seamlessly with the Kubernetes cluster, utilizing the underlying functionality and features provided by cert-manager. This ensures that the tool stays aligned with the cluster’s configuration and allows users to manage certificates efficiently within their Kubernetes environment.

cmctl Command Examples

1. Check if the cert-manager API is ready:

# cmctl check api

2. Check the status of a certificate:

# cmctl status certificate cert_name

3. Create a new certificate request based on an existing certificate:

# cmctl create certificaterequest my-cr --from-certificate-file cert.yaml

4. Create a new certificate request, fetch the signed certificate, and set a maximum wait time:

# cmctl create certificaterequest my-cr --from-certificate-file cert.yaml --fetch-certificate --timeout 20m


In summary, cmctl is a CLI tool designed to streamline the management of cert-manager resources in a Kubernetes cluster. It enables users to check the signing status of certificates, approve or deny signing requests, and initiate new certificate requests directly from the command line. By providing these capabilities, cmctl simplifies the process of managing TLS certificates, ensuring secure and automated certificate management within a Kubernetes environment.

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