cloud-init Command Examples in Linux

The cloud-init command is a utility in Linux that is used to initialize and configure cloud instances. Cloud instances are virtual machine instances that are created and run on a cloud platform, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.

To display the status of cloud-init, use the status subcommand:

# cloud-init status

This will display the status of cloud-init, including the current phase of initialization and any errors or warnings that have occurred.

# cloud-init init

This will force cloud-init to re-run all initialization tasks, including configuring networking, setting the hostname, and installing packages.

cloud-init Command Examples

1. Display the status of the most recent cloud-init run:

# cloud-init status

2. Wait for cloud-init to finish running and then report status:

# cloud-init status --wait

3. List available top-level metadata keys to query:

# cloud-init query --list-keys

4.Query cached instance metadata for data:

# cloud-init query dot_delimited_variable_path

5.Clean logs and artifacts to allow cloud-init to rerun:

# cloud-init clean
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