clang-tidy: An LLVM-based C/C++ linter to find style violations, bugs and security flaws through static analysis

“clang-tidy” is a powerful tool that performs static analysis on C and C++ code to detect style violations, bugs, and potential security vulnerabilities. It is part of the LLVM project and utilizes the Clang compiler infrastructure to analyze the source code.

The primary purpose of clang-tidy is to help developers identify and fix issues in their codebase early in the development process. It goes beyond basic syntax checking and applies a wide range of customizable checks to catch potential bugs and maintain code quality.

When you run clang-tidy on your code, it performs static analysis by examining the code structure, control flow, and data flow within the program. It applies a set of predefined checks that look for common programming mistakes, code smells, and potential security vulnerabilities. These checks cover areas such as code complexity, memory management, type safety, coding conventions, performance optimizations, and more.

The detected issues can range from simple style violations like inconsistent naming conventions or indentation to more critical problems like null pointer dereferences, uninitialized variables, buffer overflows, or insecure coding patterns. By flagging these issues, clang-tidy helps developers identify potential bugs and security flaws before they manifest as runtime errors or vulnerabilities.

One of the notable features of clang-tidy is its configurability. It allows developers to enable or disable specific checks, customize the severity level of reported issues, and even create custom checks based on project-specific requirements. This flexibility enables teams to adapt clang-tidy to their coding standards and ensure adherence to best practices.

Integrating clang-tidy into the development workflow is typically done through build systems or IDEs. It can be invoked from the command line during the compilation process, integrated into the build scripts, or used as a plugin within popular IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, CLion, or Xcode. This allows developers to automatically run clang-tidy on their codebase and receive feedback on potential issues while they are writing or building the code.

clang-tidy Command Examples

1. Run default checks on a source file:

# clang-tidy /path/to/file.cpp

2. Don’t run any checks other than the cppcoreguidelines checks on a file:

# clang-tidy /path/to/file.cpp -checks=-*,cppcoreguidelines-*

3. List all available checks:

# clang-tidy -checks=* -list-checks

4. Specify defines and includes as compilation options (after –):

# clang-tidy path/to/file.cpp -- -I my_project/include -D definitions


In summary, clang-tidy is a powerful static analysis tool that helps developers ensure code quality, identify bugs, and enhance code security. By analyzing C and C++ code through a wide range of customizable checks, it assists in maintaining a clean and secure codebase, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors and vulnerabilities.

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