CentOS / RHEL : How to Change the login shell of the user

The file /etc/shells the full paths for all the login shells available on the system. So, to set the particular shell, the shell entry must be present in /etc/shells file.

# cat /etc/shells 

You can also use the chsh -list or chsh -l command to list out the available shells on the system:

# chsh --list

Change login shell at the time of creating user

To set the particular shell at the time of creating user, below command can be used:

# useradd -s [shell] [username]

For example to set the shell of user testuser to /bin/bash :

# useradd -s /bin/bash testuser

Change login shell of existing user

To change existing user’s shell, below command can be used:

# chsh -s [shell] [user]

For example, to change the shell of testuser to /bin/bash using chsh command:

# chsh -s /bin/bash testuser

Another way to change the shell is to use the command usermod. The syntax to change shell of the user is :

# usermod -s [shell] [user]

For Example, to change the shell of testuser to /bin/bash using usermod command:

# usermod -s /bin/bash testuser


Verify the current login shell of the user with either of the below methods:

# echo $SHELL
# cat /etc/passwd | grep testuser
Note: Non-root users are prompted for their password before the shell is changed. These changes will take effect on the next login.
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