ccomps: Decompose graphs into their connected components

“ccomps” is a command-line tool that is part of the Graphviz suite of graph visualization tools. It specifically focuses on decomposing graphs into their connected components. In addition to “ccomps,” Graphviz offers several other filters and utilities such as acyclic, bcomps, comps, edgepaint, gvcolor, gvpack, mingle, nop, sccmap, tred, and unflatten, which are designed to perform various graph analysis and manipulation tasks.

Here’s an overview of the key features and functionalities provided by “ccomps” and the associated Graphviz filters:

1. Connected Component Decomposition: The main purpose of “ccomps” is to decompose graphs into their connected components. A connected component in a graph refers to a subset of vertices where each vertex is connected to every other vertex in the subset. “ccomps” identifies and extracts these connected components from the input graph, providing information about their structure and relationships.

2. Graph Filtering and Manipulation: In addition to “ccomps,” the Graphviz suite offers several other filters and utilities that can be used to perform different operations on graphs. For example:

  • acyclic” detects and removes cycles from the graph, transforming it into a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
  • bcomps” extracts the biconnected components of the graph, which are subgraphs that remain connected even after the removal of any single vertex.
  • comps” is a generalization of “ccomps” that decomposes the graph into its strongly connected components, which are subsets of vertices where each vertex is reachable from every other vertex.
  • edgepaint” assigns colors to the edges of the graph based on various criteria, allowing for better visualization and differentiation of edges.
  • gvcolor” applies graph coloring algorithms to assign colors to the nodes of the graph, aiding in visualizing different node groups or categories.
  • gvpack” rearranges the layout of the graph nodes to optimize their placement and reduce overlapping.
  • mingle” combines multiple input graphs into a single graph, allowing for the integration of different graph sources or datasets.
  • nop” performs no operation and simply passes the graph through unchanged.
  • sccmap” generates a mapping of nodes to their corresponding strongly connected components.
  • tred” computes the transitive reduction of the graph, which removes redundant edges while preserving reachability.
  • unflatten” modifies the graph layout by adjusting node placements and edge routing to improve the visual appearance.

3. Graph Visualization and Analysis: The various filters and utilities provided by Graphviz, including “ccomps” and its counterparts, enable users to visually analyze and manipulate graphs. They can be used in combination with other Graphviz tools to generate visual representations of graphs, explore graph structures, identify patterns, and gain insights into the relationships and connectivity of graph data.

4. Automation and Integration: Graphviz filters and utilities, including “ccomps,” are designed to be used in scripting and automation workflows. They can be integrated into scripts or combined with other command-line tools to automate graph analysis, preprocessing, and visualization tasks.

“ccomps” and the associated Graphviz filters provide a comprehensive set of tools for decomposing graphs into their connected components, analyzing graph structures, and performing various graph operations. By leveraging these tools, users can gain valuable insights into their graph data, manipulate graph structures, and create visually appealing representations of graph networks.

ccomps Command Examples

1. Decompose one or more graphs into their connected components:

# ccomps /path/to/input1.gv /path/to/input2.gv ... > /path/to/output.gv

2. Print the number of nodes, edges, and connected components in one or more graphs:

# ccomps -v -s /path/to/input1.gv /path/to/input2.gv ...

3. Write each connected component to numbered filenames based on output.gv:

# ccomps -x -o /path/to/output.gv /path/to/input1.gv /path/to/input2.gv ...

4. Display help for ccomps:

# ccomps -?
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