The dvc diff command is used in DVC (Data Version Control) to show the changes made to DVC tracked files and directories. It helps you compare the differences between different versions of your data and understand the modifications that have occurred. Here is a more detailed explanation of the dvc diff command: Tracking Changes: DVC […]
dvc destroy: Remove all DVC files and directories from a DVC project
The “dvc destroy” command is a functionality provided by DVC (Data Version Control) that allows users to remove all DVC files and directories from a DVC project. This command is useful when you want to completely remove DVC from a project and clean up any associated files and directories. Here are the key aspects and […]
dvc dag: Visualize the pipeline(s) defined in dvc.yaml
The “dvc dag” command is a tool provided by DVC (Data Version Control) that allows users to visualize the pipeline(s) defined in the dvc.yaml file. The dvc.yaml file contains the pipeline definition, which specifies the data dependencies and the sequence of commands or stages required to generate the desired outputs. Here are the key aspects […]
dvc config: Low level command to manage custom configuration options for dvc repositories
The “dvc config” command is a low-level command in the DVC (Data Version Control) tool that allows users to manage custom configuration options for DVC repositories. These configurations can be set at different levels, including project, local, global, or system level, providing flexibility and customization options for DVC usage. Here are the key aspects and […]
dvc commit: Record changes to DVC-tracked files in the project
The “dvc commit” command is a part of the DVC (Data Version Control) tool, which is used for managing and version controlling large datasets in machine learning and data science projects. The “dvc commit” command allows users to record changes made to DVC-tracked files in the project, creating a new version of the dataset. Here […]
dvc checkout: Checkout data files and directories from cache
The “dvc checkout” command is a part of the DVC (Data Version Control) tool, which is used for managing and version controlling large datasets in machine learning and data science projects. The “dvc checkout” command allows users to retrieve data files and directories from the DVC cache, restoring them to their original location in the […]
dvc add: Add changed files to the index
The “dvc add” command is a part of the DVC (Data Version Control) tool, which is used to manage and version control large datasets in machine learning and data science projects. The “dvc add” command allows users to add changed files to the DVC index, preparing them to be tracked and included in subsequent commits. […]
dust: Instant overview of which directories are using disk space
Dust is a tool that provides users with an immediate overview of how disk space is being utilized by directories on a system. It offers a visual representation of disk usage, making it easy to identify which directories are consuming the most space. Here are the key features and aspects of Dust: Disk space visualization: […]
duplicity: Creates incremental, compressed, encrypted and versioned backups
Duplicity is a versatile backup tool that offers incremental, compressed, encrypted, and versioned backups. It provides a robust solution for securely backing up data while optimizing storage space. Duplicity supports various backend services for storing backups, making it flexible and adaptable to different storage options. Here are the key features and aspects of Duplicity: Incremental […]
duplicacy: A lock-free deduplication cloud backup tool
Duplicacy is a powerful cloud backup tool that provides efficient and secure data backup and deduplication capabilities. It is designed to simplify the backup process while optimizing storage space by eliminating redundant data. Duplicacy offers features such as versioning, encryption, and cross-platform compatibility, making it a versatile choice for data backup needs. Here are the […]