
composer-require-checker: A CLI tool to analyze Composer dependencies for soft dependencies

composer-require-checker is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to analyze dependencies in a Composer-based project, with a particular focus on…

complete: Provides argument autocompletion to shell commands

The "complete" command is a built-in command in Unix-like shells, such as Bash, that enables argument autocompletion for shell commands.…

compgen: A built-in command for auto-completion in Bash, which is called on pressing TAB key twice

The "compgen" command is a built-in command in the Bash shell that is specifically designed for auto-completion purposes. It is…

compare: View the difference between 2 images

The "compare" command is a tool used to view the differences between two images. It is part of the ImageMagick…

command: Command forces the shell to execute the program and ignore any functions, builtins and aliases with the same name

The "command" command is a shell built-in that forces the shell to execute a program and disregard any functions, built-in…

comm: Select or reject lines common to two files. Both files must be sorted

The "comm" command is a Unix utility that allows you to compare two sorted files and select or reject lines…

comby: Tool for structural code search and replace that supports many languages

comby is a powerful and versatile tool designed for structural code search and replace. It supports a wide range of…

column: Format standard input or a file into multiple columns

The "column" command is a utility available on Unix-like operating systems that allows you to format the standard input or…

colorpicker: A minimalist X11 colorpicker

colorpicker is a minimalist X11 color picker tool that allows users to select colors from their screen. It provides a…

colorls: A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal’s ls command, with color and font-awesome icons

colorls is a Ruby gem that enhances the output of the standard "ls" command in the terminal. It brings visual…