
dotnet restore: Restores the dependencies and tools of a .NET project

The "dotnet restore" command is a part of the .NET development framework and is used to restore the dependencies and…

dotnet publish: Publish a .NET application and its dependencies to a directory for deployment to a hosting system

The "dotnet publish" command is a part of the .NET development framework and is used to publish a .NET application…

dotnet ef: Perform design-time development tasks for Entity Framework Core

The "dotnet ef" command is a part of the Entity Framework Core (EF Core) tooling in the .NET development framework.…

dotnet build: Builds a .NET application and its dependencies

The "dotnet build" command is a part of the .NET development framework and is used to build a .NET application…

dot: Render an image of a linear directed network graph from a graphviz file

The "dot" command is a tool used to render an image of a linear directed network graph. It is part…

dolt status: Display the status of the database session

The "dolt status" command is a feature provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system inspired by Git. The "dolt status"…

dolt sql: Run a SQL query. Multiple SQL statements must be separated by semicolons

The "dolt sql" command is a feature provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system inspired by Git. The "dolt sql"…

dolt merge: Join two or more development histories together

The "dolt merge" command is a feature provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system inspired by Git. The "dolt merge"…

dolt init: Create an empty Dolt data repository

The "dolt init" command is a feature provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system inspired by Git. The "dolt init"…

dolt fetch: Download objects and refs from another repository

The "dolt fetch" command is a feature provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system inspired by Git. The "dolt fetch"…