
gibo: Fetch gitignore boilerplates

"Gibo" is a command-line tool designed to simplify the process of fetching and generating .gitignore files for your Git repositories.…

ghost Command Examples in Linux

"Ghost" is a popular and versatile blogging platform and headless CMS (Content Management System). It is designed to provide a…

ghdl: Open-source simulator for the VHDL language

"ghdl" is an open-source simulator for the VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) programming language. It provides a convenient and powerful…

ghcup: Haskell toolchain installer

"ghcup" is a Haskell toolchain installer that provides a convenient way to install, manage, and update Haskell toolchains on your…

ghci: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler’s interactive environment

"ghci" refers to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler's interactive environment. It is a command-line tool that provides an interactive and dynamic…

ghc: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

The "ghc" command refers to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, which is the primary compiler for the Haskell programming language. It…

gh: Work seamlessly with GitHub from the command-line

The "gh" command is the official GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) tool provided by GitHub. It allows users to work seamlessly…

gh workflow: List, view, and run GitHub Actions workflows

The "gh workflow" command is a feature of GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to interact with GitHub Actions…

gh ssh-key: Manage GitHub SSH keys from the command-line

The "gh ssh-key" command is a feature of GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to manage their SSH keys…

gh secret: Manage GitHub secrets from the command-line

The "gh secret" command is a powerful feature of GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to manage GitHub secrets…