
pkgfile Command Examples in Linux:

pkgfile is a command-line tool for searching for files that are included in packages in the official repositories on Arch-based…

pkcon Command Examples in Linux

PackageKit is a software abstraction layer that provides a unified interface for managing software packages on Linux-based operating systems. It…

pkcon: command not found

PackageKit is a software abstraction layer that provides a unified interface for managing software packages on Linux-based operating systems. It…

pivpn Command Examples in Linux

PiVPN is a tool that allows users to set up and manage a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on their Raspberry…

pihole Command Examples in Linux

Pi-hole is a network-wide ad-blocking solution that functions by acting as a DNS sinkhole. It blocks advertisements and other unwanted…

runlim: command not found

runlim is a command-line utility that enables users to limit the time and memory usage of a program and its…

pidstat: command not found

While top is used to get an overview of all running processes, the command pidstat can be used to monitor…

pidof Command Examples in Linux

"pidof" is a Unix/Linux command that is used to find the process ID (PID) of a running process based on…

pidof: command not found

"pidof" is a Unix/Linux command that is used to find the process ID (PID) of a running process based on…

pi: command not found

The pi command is a command-line tool that calculates the mathematical constant π (pi) to a specified number of decimal…