
kubectx Command Examples

kubectx is a utility tool designed to simplify the management and switching of Kubernetes contexts within the kubectl command-line interface…

kubectl Command Examples

kubectl is the command-line interface (CLI) tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters. It serves as the primary means for…

“kubectl run” Command Examples

kubectl run is a command-line tool used to create and run pods in a Kubernetes cluster. It is a versatile…

“kubectl rollout” Command Examples

kubectl rollout is a command-line tool used to manage the rollout process of Kubernetes resources, such as deployments, daemonsets, and…

“kubectl logs” Command Examples

kubectl logs is a command-line tool used to retrieve and display logs generated by containers running within a Kubernetes pod.…

“kubectl get” Command Examples

kubectl get is a versatile command-line tool used to retrieve information about Kubernetes objects and resources within a cluster. It…

“kubectl describe” Command Examples

kubectl describe is a command-line tool used to display detailed information about Kubernetes objects and resources within a cluster. It…

“kubectl delete” Command Examples

kubectl delete is a command-line tool used for deleting Kubernetes resources from a cluster. It is part of the Kubernetes…

kubeadm Command Examples

Kubeadm is a command-line tool used for bootstrapping and managing Kubernetes clusters. It simplifies the process of setting up a…

kube-fzf: Shell commands for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods

Kube-fzf is a set of shell commands designed to facilitate fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods from the command line. It…