In Docker, the command “docker run” is used to create and run a new container based on a specified Docker image. Containers are lightweight, isolated environments that can run applications with their dependencies, making it easier to package and deploy software across different environments. When you execute the “docker run” command, Docker performs several steps: […]
“docker rmi” Command Examples
The “docker rmi” command is used to remove one or more Docker images from your system. It allows you to delete images that are no longer needed, freeing up disk space. By removing images, you can manage your Docker environment efficiently. To use the “docker rmi” command, you specify the image(s) you want to remove […]
“docker ps” Command Examples
The “docker ps” command is used to list the Docker containers that are currently running on your system. It provides an overview of the containers’ status, such as their IDs, names, images, creation time, and resource usage. Here’s a breakdown of the different aspects and options of the “docker ps” command: Listing Running Containers: By […]
“docker network” Command Examples
The “docker network” command in Docker allows you to create and manage networks for your Docker containers. With Docker networking, you can establish communication and connectivity between containers, enabling them to interact with each other and external resources. Here are some key functionalities and operations provided by the “docker network” command: Create a Network: You […]
“docker machine” Command Examples
The “docker-machine” command is a Docker CLI tool used to create, provision, and manage virtual machines (VMs) that run Docker. It simplifies the process of setting up a Docker environment on various infrastructure providers or local machines. When using the “docker-machine” command, you can create and manage VMs on different platforms, such as cloud providers […]
“docker logs” Command Examples
The “docker logs” command is a Docker CLI command used to retrieve and print the logs generated by a running Docker container. It allows users to access and view the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) streams of a container. When executing the “docker logs” command, you specify the target container by its ID […]
“docker login” Command Examples
The “docker login” command is a Docker CLI command used to authenticate and log in to a Docker registry. A Docker registry is a centralized repository that stores Docker images, allowing users to share and distribute their containerized applications. When running the “docker login” command, users are prompted to provide their credentials, including a username […]
docker load: Load Docker images from files or stdin
The “docker load” command is a Docker CLI command used to load Docker images from files or standard input (stdin) into a Docker environment. It allows users to import Docker images that have been previously saved or exported using the “docker save” command. When using the “docker load” command, users provide the image data as […]
“docker image” Command Examples
The “docker image” command is an essential part of the Docker CLI and is used to manage Docker images. Docker images serve as the building blocks for containers and contain everything needed to run an application, including the operating system, dependencies, and application code. The “docker image” command provides a set of subcommands that allow […]
“docker exec” Command Examples
The “docker exec” command is a powerful feature of Docker that allows users to execute commands on a running Docker container. It provides a convenient way to interact with a container’s environment, run commands, and perform various tasks within the container. With the “docker exec” command, you can specify the container’s ID or name and […]