
ValueError: Masked arrays must be 1-D

Scatter plot is a basic plot of dots. You can draw it by calling plt.scatter(x,y). The following example shows a…

EFS Mount Issue “Failed to resolve server: Name or service not known”

The Problem mount.nfs4: Failed to resolve server Name or service not known or: ping: unknown host The Solution…

How to Stop and Start Ec2 instance using Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source Continuous Integration tool. However, it's not limited to Continuous Integration alone. Jenkins is supported by a…

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Static Website Hosting With Google Firebase (for FREE)

I am a total noob when it comes to web development but I am improving my tech skills every day.…

How to Map Static IP to your Domain (with GoDaddy example)

To set up a domain name, there are a couple of steps to do. First, you need to purchase a…

Hello Newbies in Tech! Switching From Windows to Linux? Read This First

I am a newbie in tech. I have been using Linux and Windows side by side for quite some time…

A Beginner’s Guide To Create Files & Folders Inside Windows Subsystem For Linux

In this blog, we will learn how to create or move files and folders to Linux root system from Windows.…

Windows Subsystem For Linux – Run Linux on Windows (It’s FAST)

I am a newbie in tech. I have been using Linux and Windows side by side for quite some time…

The Ultimate Guide To Use VS Code With Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

In this blog, we will learn how to use Visual Studio Code in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). In case…

My Development Environment Set up on Windows to use Python for Web Dev & Data Science

Techies have different set-ups on a Windows machine to use Python for web development, machine learning or data science. For…