The aws s3 rm command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is used to delete S3 objects stored in Amazon S3. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an object storage service provided by Amazon Web Services that allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of data. Here’s an overview […]
“aws s3 presign” Command Examples
The aws s3 presign command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is used to generate pre-signed URLs for Amazon S3 objects. A pre-signed URL is a time-limited URL that grants temporary access to an S3 object, allowing secure and controlled sharing of the object with others. Here’s an overview of […]
“aws s3 mv” Command Examples
The aws s3 mv command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is used to move local files or objects stored in Amazon S3 to another location, either locally or within Amazon S3 itself. Here’s an overview of the aws s3 mv command and its functionality: Moving Local Files to S3: […]
“aws s3 mb” Command Examples
The aws s3 mb command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is used to create S3 buckets. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an object storage service provided by Amazon Web Services that allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of data. Here’s an overview of the aws s3 […]
“aws s3 ls” Command Examples
The aws s3 ls command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is used to list AWS S3 buckets, folders (prefixes), and files (objects). It provides a convenient way to retrieve information about the contents of your S3 storage. Here’s an overview of the aws s3 ls command and its functionality: […]
“aws s3 cp” Command Examples
The aws s3 cp command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is used to copy local files or objects stored in Amazon S3 to another location, either locally or within Amazon S3 itself. Here’s an overview of the aws s3 cp command and its functionality: Copying Local Files to S3: […]
“aws route53” Command Examples
The aws route53 command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and serves as a CLI tool for interacting with AWS Route 53, which is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service provided by Amazon Web Services. Here’s an overview of the aws route53 command and its functionality: […]
“aws rds” Command Examples
The aws rds command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and serves as a CLI tool for interacting with AWS Relational Database Service (RDS). AWS RDS is a fully managed database service that simplifies the process of setting up, operating, and scaling relational databases in the cloud. Here’s an overview of […]
aws quicksight Command Examples
The aws quicksight command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and is specifically designed to interact with AWS QuickSight, a business intelligence and data visualization service provided by Amazon Web Services. Here’s an overview of the aws quicksight command and its functionality: Dashboard and Analysis Management: The aws quicksight command allows […]
“aws pricing” Command Examples
The aws pricing command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and allows you to query and retrieve pricing information for various services and products offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides a convenient way to access and analyze pricing details without the need to navigate through the AWS Management Console. […]