carp: REPL and build tool for Carp

Carp is a programming language that combines the performance and low-level control of systems programming with the expressiveness and safety of functional programming. It is designed to be a practical and efficient language for writing high-performance applications. The “carp” tool, on the other hand, is a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) and build tool specifically designed for working with the Carp programming language.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “carp”:

  • REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop): The “carp” tool provides an interactive REPL environment for Carp. This allows developers to enter and execute Carp code snippets and see the immediate results. The REPL facilitates quick experimentation, testing small code snippets, and exploring language features. It provides a convenient way to interactively write and evaluate Carp code without the need to compile and run entire programs.
  • Build Tool: In addition to the REPL, “carp” serves as a build tool for Carp projects. It provides commands and functionalities to compile and build Carp code into executable binaries or libraries. The build tool automates the compilation process, handles dependencies, and generates the necessary artifacts for executing or distributing Carp programs. It ensures a smooth and efficient build workflow for Carp projects.
  • Dependency Management: “carp” includes functionality for managing dependencies in Carp projects. Developers can specify dependencies and their versions in a project configuration file (often called “carp.toml” or “carpfile.toml”). The build tool resolves and downloads the specified dependencies, ensuring that the correct versions are used during the compilation process. This simplifies the management of external libraries and ensures that Carp projects have the required dependencies available.
  • Language Interoperability: Carp has the ability to interface with existing C libraries, which is facilitated by the “carp” build tool. The build tool allows developers to seamlessly integrate C code into Carp projects by providing mechanisms for linking and calling C functions. This interoperability enables Carp developers to leverage existing C libraries and utilize their functionality within Carp applications.
  • Performance and Efficiency: Carp is designed to be a high-performance programming language, and the “carp” tool assists in achieving that goal. The build tool optimizes Carp code during the compilation process, aiming for efficient execution and minimal overhead. By leveraging Carp’s features such as compile-time type checking and minimal runtime requirements, the build tool helps produce performant and resource-efficient applications.
  • Debugging and Profiling: The “carp” tool provides debugging and profiling features to aid in identifying and resolving issues in Carp programs. It offers debugging capabilities such as breakpoints, stepping through code, and inspecting variables during program execution. Additionally, the build tool includes profiling tools that enable developers to analyze the performance of their Carp applications, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the code as needed.
  • Community and Ecosystem: The “carp” tool is part of the broader Carp programming language ecosystem. Carp has an active community of developers who contribute libraries, tools, and resources to support Carp development. The “carp” tool integrates with this ecosystem, allowing developers to easily incorporate community-built libraries and tools into their projects.

carp Command Examples

1. Start a REPL (interactive shell):

# carp

2. Start a REPL with a custom prompt:

# carp --prompt "> " 

3. Build a carp file:

# carp -b /path/to/file.carp

4. Build and run a file:

# carp -x /path/to/file.carp

5. Build a file with optimizations enabled:

# carp -b --optimize /path/to/file.carp

6. Transpile a file to C code:

# carp --generate-only /path/to/file.carp


In summary, “carp” is a REPL and build tool that enhances the development experience with the Carp programming language. It provides an interactive environment for Carp code evaluation, automates the build process, manages dependencies, and supports debugging and profiling. With its focus on performance and efficiency, “carp” empowers developers to write high-performance applications in Carp and benefit from its expressive and safe programming model.

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