C Structures

Arrays provide the facility for grouping related data items of the same type into a single object. However, sometimes we need to group related data items of different types. An example is the inventory record of a stock item that groups together its item number, price, quantity in stock, reorder level etc. In order to handle such situations, C provides a data type, called structures, that allows a fixed number of data items, possibly of different types to be treated as a single object. It is used to group all related information into one variable.


A structure is a heterogeneous collection of related fields. Here fields are called structure member or structure element. Every field has a different type-specifier (data-type).

The definition of structure of opposite of array, because array is set of homogeneous elements. But the structure has a deep relationship with array.

Structure Variables

The general syntax used to declare a structure and structure variables is written as below:

struct structure-tag
  date-type1 strcture element-1 or member-1;
  date-type2 strcture element-2 or member-2;
  date-type3 strcture element-3 or member-3;
  date-type n strcture element-n or member-n;
  struct structure-tag v1,v2,..........vn;
  local declaration;
  executable statements;

Simple Structure Program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
struct str
  char name[10],city[20];
void main()
  struct str obj1={"Jack","Jermany"};

  printf("\n City=%s",obj1.city);

Output is as follows:

Note: struct is the keyword which we can’t use as a variable.

Structure within Structure (Nested Structure)

Example Program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

struct str1      //First Structure
  char name[10];
  struct str2   //Second Structure

void main()
  printf("Enter the Name and City\n");
  printf("\n City=%s",objstr1.objstr2.city);

Output is as follows:

Enter the Name and City
New York
City=New York

Structure and array

Arrays play a very important role in structure. Structure has two types of view with the array. The two types of relationship of structure with array.

Example Program:

/*Program to illustrate the concept of use of an Array within the Structure*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
struct str
  name[10],char city[10];

void main()
  struct str n[10];
  int i=1;
  printf("Enter the Ten Emp...\n");

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