brightnessctl: command not found

brightnessctl is a command-line utility in Linux that is used to control the brightness of a display on a laptop or other portable device. brightnessctl allows you to adjust the brightness of the display manually or automatically, depending on the available options on your device.

If you encounter the below error while running the brightnessctl command:

brightnessctl: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install brightnessctl
Ubuntu apt-get install brightnessctl
Kali Linux apt-get install brightnessctl
Fedora dnf install brightnessctl


Usage: brightnessctl [options] [operation] [value]

  -l, --list            list devices with available brightness controls.
  -q, --quiet           suppress output.
  -p, --pretend         do not perform write operations.
  -m, --machine-readable    produce machine-readable output.
  -n, --min-value       set minimum brightness, defaults to 1.
  -e, --exponent[=K]        changes percentage curve to exponential.
  -s, --save            save previous state in a temporary file.
  -r, --restore         restore previous saved state.
  -h, --help            print this help.
  -d, --device=DEVICE       specify device name (can be a wildcard).
  -c, --class=CLASS     specify device class.
  -V, --version         print version and exit.

  i, info           get device info.
  g, get            get current brightness of the device.
  m, max            get maximum brightness of the device.
  s, set VALUE      set brightness of the device.

Valid values:
  specific value        Example: 500
  percentage value      Example: 50%
  specific delta        Example: 50- or +10
  percentage delta      Example: 50%- or +10%

brightnessctl Command Examples

1. List devices with changeable brightness:

# brightnessctl --list

2. Print the current brightness of the display backlight:

# brightnessctl get

3. Set the brightness of the display backlight to a specified percentage within range:

# brightnessctl set 50%

4. Increase brightness by a specified increment:

# brightnessctl set +10%

5. Decrease brightness by a specified decrement:

# brightnessctl set 10%-
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