box: A PHP application for building and managing Phars

Box is a PHP application that facilitates the creation and management of Phar archives. Phar (PHP Archive) is a file format used in PHP for bundling entire applications, including their dependencies, into a single executable file.

Here are some key points about Box:

  • Phar Archives: Box focuses on working with Phar archives, which are self-contained PHP executable files. A Phar archive encapsulates an entire PHP application, including its source code, configuration files, and any required dependencies, into a single file. This allows for easy distribution and deployment of PHP applications as a single unit.
  • Application Building: Box provides a set of commands and options to build Phar archives from PHP projects. It scans the project directory, including subdirectories, and includes the necessary files and directories in the Phar archive. It can also exclude specific files or directories if needed. Box allows you to specify the entry point of your application, which is the file that will be executed when the Phar archive is run.
  • Dependency Management: Box offers features for managing dependencies within Phar archives. It can include third-party libraries and dependencies directly within the Phar archive, ensuring that the application has all the required dependencies bundled together. This eliminates the need for separate installations or management of dependencies on the target system.
  • Configuration and Optimization: Box allows you to configure various aspects of the Phar archive, such as setting metadata, including an autoloader, specifying file stubs, and defining compression settings. It also provides options for optimizing the Phar archive, including compressing files and minimizing the Phar archive size.
  • Command-Line Interface: Box provides a command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to interact with the application. You can use CLI commands to build Phar archives, manage dependencies, configure options, and perform other related tasks.
  • Customization and Extensions: Box is highly customizable and extensible. It supports plugins and allows you to create custom scripts or hooks to modify the build process, add additional functionality, or integrate with other tools or build systems.
  • Use Cases: Box is commonly used in scenarios where you want to distribute PHP applications as a single executable file. This can include command-line tools, utilities, microservices, and even web applications that can be run without the need for a full PHP installation.

box Command Examples

1. Compile a new Phar file:

# box compile

2. Compile a new Phar file using a specific config file:

# box compile -c /path/to/config

3. Display information about the PHAR PHP extension:

# box info

4. Display information about a specific Phar file:

# box info /path/to/phar_file

5. Validate the first found config file in the working directory:

# box validate

6. Verify the signature of a specific Phar file:

# box verify /path/to/phar_file

7. Display all available commands and options:

# box help


In summary, Box is a PHP application that simplifies the creation and management of Phar archives. It allows you to bundle PHP applications and their dependencies into a single executable file, simplifying distribution and deployment. With its command-line interface and customizable features, Box provides a convenient way to build and manage Phar archives for various PHP projects.

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