blackfire: A command-line profiling tool for PHP (Command Examples)

Blackfire is a powerful command-line profiling tool specifically designed for PHP applications. It allows developers to analyze the performance of their PHP code by providing detailed insights into its execution, identifying bottlenecks, and suggesting optimizations. With Blackfire, developers can pinpoint areas of their PHP code that require optimization, leading to improved application performance.

Here are key aspects and features of Blackfire:

  • Profiling PHP Applications: Blackfire enables developers to profile PHP applications to gain insights into their performance. By capturing detailed information about function calls, execution time, memory usage, and other metrics, Blackfire helps identify performance bottlenecks and areas that require optimization.
  • Command-Line Interface: Blackfire is primarily used through its command-line interface (CLI). Developers can start profiling their PHP code by simply running Blackfire from the command line, specifying the PHP script or command to profile. This makes it easy to integrate Blackfire into build processes, testing frameworks, or deployment pipelines.
  • Profiling Modes: Blackfire offers different profiling modes to suit different use cases. It provides a request-based mode where it profiles a single HTTP request, allowing developers to analyze the performance of specific requests. It also supports a continuous mode where it profiles an entire application or a specific part of the code over a specified duration, providing insights into long-running processes.
  • Performance Metrics and Flame Graphs: Blackfire generates detailed performance metrics and flame graphs based on the profiling data. These visual representations help developers understand how their code is executed, identify hotspots, and visualize the flow of functions. Flame graphs provide a hierarchical view of function calls, highlighting the most time-consuming parts of the code.
  • Recommendations and Optimizations: Blackfire not only provides profiling data but also offers recommendations and optimizations to improve the performance of PHP code. It suggests areas where code can be optimized, such as reducing database queries, optimizing loops, or improving memory usage. These recommendations help developers identify specific areas for improvement and make informed optimization decisions.
  • Integration with Development Tools: Blackfire integrates with popular development tools and frameworks, making it easy to incorporate profiling into the development workflow. It supports integration with IDEs, editors, and continuous integration tools, allowing developers to profile code during development, testing, and deployment processes.
  • Collaboration and Sharing: Blackfire allows developers to share profiling results with team members, enabling collaboration and discussions around performance improvements. Developers can share profiling links, which provide a comprehensive view of the profiling data, including flame graphs and performance metrics. This makes it easier to involve team members in the performance optimization process.
  • Privacy and Security: Blackfire takes privacy and security seriously. It provides secure authentication mechanisms and encryption for profiling data to ensure that sensitive information remains protected. Developers have control over sharing and access to profiling data, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the profiling results.

blackfire Command Examples

1. Initialize and configure the Blackfire client:

# blackfire config

2. Launch the Blackfire agent:

# blackfire agent

3. Launch the Blackfire agent on a specific socket:

# blackfire agent --socket="tcp://"

4. Run the profiler on a specific program:

# blackfire run php /path/to/file.php

5. Run the profiler and collect 10 samples:

# blackfire --samples=10 run php /path/to/file.php

6. Run the profiler and output results as JSON:

# blackfire --json run php /path/to/file.php

7. Upload a profiler file to the Blackfire web service:

# blackfire upload /path/to/file

8. View the status of profiles on the Blackfire web service:

# blackfire status


In summary, Blackfire is a command-line profiling tool specifically designed for PHP applications. It offers detailed insights into the performance of PHP code, identifies bottlenecks, and provides recommendations for optimization. With its command-line interface, profiling modes, visual representations, and integration capabilities, Blackfire empowers developers to analyze and improve the performance of their PHP applications.

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