black – A Python auto code formatter (Command Examples)

Black is a popular Python tool that serves as an automated code formatter. It automates the process of formatting Python code according to a set of predefined rules, making the code consistent, readable, and adhering to best practices. By using Black, developers can save time and effort in manually formatting their code and focus more on writing high-quality code.

Here are some key features and aspects of Black:

  • Code Formatting: Black applies a strict set of formatting rules to Python code. It analyzes the code’s syntax and structure and applies consistent formatting, such as indentation, line length, and spacing. The aim is to produce code that is easy to read and understand, without any unnecessary stylistic variations.
  • Opinionated Formatting: Black follows a “batteries included” approach to code formatting. It provides a predefined set of formatting rules without allowing extensive configuration. This opinionated approach eliminates debates about formatting choices within a team and ensures a consistent coding style across projects.
  • Command-Line Interface: Black is primarily used through its command-line interface (CLI). Developers can run Black on individual Python files or entire directories to automatically format the code. The CLI provides options to customize certain aspects, such as line length or excluding specific files or directories from formatting.
  • Integration with Editors and IDEs: Black can be integrated into popular code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs). With the help of editor plugins or extensions, developers can format their code on the fly as they type or trigger the formatting with a keyboard shortcut. This allows for a seamless workflow and encourages adherence to the defined code style.
  • Preserving Code Style: Black is designed to format code without altering its functionality. It aims to make purely cosmetic changes that do not affect the logic or behavior of the code. By preserving the code’s functionality, Black ensures that the formatting process does not introduce bugs or unintended consequences.
  • Community Adoption: Black has gained significant popularity within the Python community due to its robustness and opinionated approach. Many open-source projects and organizations have adopted Black as part of their code review and continuous integration processes. Its widespread usage has contributed to a more standardized and consistent Python codebase across various projects.
  • Configuration Flexibility: While Black has a predefined set of formatting rules, it also allows some limited configuration options. Developers can use a configuration file (pyproject.toml) or command-line arguments to customize certain aspects of the formatting, such as line length, whether to use single or double quotes, and more.

black Command Example

1. Auto-format a file or entire directory:

# black /path/to/file_or_directory

2. Format the code passed in as a string:

# black -c "code"

3. Output whether a file or a directory would have changes made to them if they were to be formatted:

# black --check /path/to/file_or_directory

4. Output changes that would be made to a file or a directory without performing them (dry-run):

# black --diff /path/to/file_or_directory

5. Auto-format a file or directory, emitting exclusively error messages to stderr:

# black --quiet /path/to/file_or_directory

6. Auto-format a file or directory without replacing single quotes with double quotes (adoption helper, avoid using this for new projects):

# black --skip-string-normalization /path/to/file_or_directory


In summary, Black is a Python auto code formatter that automates the process of formatting Python code based on predefined rules. By providing a consistent coding style, Black improves code readability and maintainability. Its ease of use, integration with popular editors/IDEs, and community adoption have made it a valuable tool for Python developers. By incorporating Black into their development workflow, developers can focus more on writing code while ensuring a consistent and professional codebase.

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