bc: command not found

bc is a calculator scripting language. Scripts in bc can be executed with the bc command. Imagine a test.bc file contains the following code:

scale = 2;

That means you can run bc like this:

$ cat test.bc | bc

bc can do far more than just divide two numbers. It’s a fully-fledged scripting language on its own and you can do arbitrarily complex things with a bc script. A bc script might be the ending point of a pipeline of data, where the data files are initially massaged into a stream of data rows, and then a bc script is used to compute the values we’re looking for.

You can omit the copyright messages displayed while running bc using the “-q” option with it.

$ bc –q
2 + 2

The ability to take standard input means we can use documents, strings, and pipes to pass scripts. This is a here string example:

$ bc 

If you get an error as shown below while executing the bc command:

bc: command not found

you may try installing the bc package as shown below as per your choice of distribution.

Distribution Command
OS X brew install bc
Debian apt-get install bc
Ubuntu apt-get install bc
Alpine apk add bc
Arch Linux pacman -S bc
Kali Linux apt-get install bc
CentOS yum install bc
Fedora dnf install bc
Raspbian apt-get install bc

The bash calculator recognizes these:

  • Numbers (both integer and floating point)
  • Variables (both simple variables and arrays)
  • Comments (lines starting with a pound sign or the C language /* */ pair)
  • Expressions
  • Programming statements (such as if-then statements)
  • Functions
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