bb Command Examples (Native Clojure interpreter for scripting)

“bb” is a native Clojure interpreter specifically designed for scripting purposes. It allows developers to write and execute Clojure code directly from the command line, making it convenient for performing various scripting tasks and automating workflows.

Clojure is a dynamic, functional programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and provides seamless integration with Java libraries. It is known for its simplicity, expressive syntax, and powerful concurrency features. With “bb,” developers can harness the power of Clojure’s functional programming capabilities for scripting tasks without the need for a separate compilation step.

“bb” serves as an alternative to traditional shell scripting languages like Bash or Python, providing a more concise and expressive scripting environment for Clojure programmers. It allows developers to leverage Clojure’s rich collection of libraries, data manipulation functions, and functional programming paradigms for writing scripts that handle complex data transformations, file operations, network interactions, and more.

Some key features and benefits of using “bb” as a native Clojure interpreter for scripting include:

  • Clojure Syntax: “bb” supports the complete syntax of Clojure, allowing developers to write scripts using the same language they use for building applications. This provides consistency and familiarity for Clojure developers.
  • Interactive Development: Developers can use “bb” interactively, allowing them to experiment, test, and iterate on their code directly from the command line. It supports a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) environment, enabling real-time evaluation and exploration of code snippets.
  • Access to Java Libraries: As Clojure is built on the JVM, “bb” provides seamless integration with Java libraries. Developers can leverage the vast ecosystem of Java libraries and frameworks from their scripts, enhancing their capabilities and flexibility.
  • Functional Programming: Clojure is known for its powerful functional programming capabilities, and “bb” allows developers to leverage these features in their scripts. This includes working with immutable data structures, higher-order functions, and concurrency primitives, enabling elegant and efficient scripting solutions.

To use “bb,” developers typically install the tool on their system and invoke it from the command line. They can then interactively enter Clojure code or execute scripts directly by providing the script file as an argument to the “bb” command.

bb Command Examples

1. [e]valuate an expression:

# bb -e "(+ 1 2 3)"

2. Evaluate a script [f]ile:

# bb -f /path/to/script.clj

3. Bind input to a sequence of lines from stdin:

# printf "first\nsecond" | bb -i "(map clojure.string/capitalize *input*)"

4. Bind input to a sequence of EDN(Extensible Data Notation) values from stdin:

# echo "{:key 'val}" | bb -I "(:key (first *input*))"


In summary, “bb” is a native Clojure interpreter designed for scripting tasks. It allows developers to write and execute Clojure code directly from the command line, providing a powerful and expressive scripting environment. With access to Clojure’s rich library ecosystem and functional programming features, “bb” enables developers to create sophisticated and efficient scripts for a wide range of automation and scripting tasks.

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