banner Command Examples (Print the given argument as a large ASCII art)

The “banner” command is a utility that allows you to print a given argument or message as large ASCII art. ASCII art is a technique that uses characters from the ASCII character set to create images or text-based graphics. It is a popular form of artistic expression in the digital realm.

When using the “banner” command, you provide a text or message as an argument, and the utility transforms it into a visually appealing representation using large characters made up of ASCII characters. The resulting output appears as if the text is composed of enlarged characters, typically spanning multiple lines.

The primary purpose of the “banner” command is to create eye-catching and attention-grabbing text-based displays. It can be used for decorative purposes, to create banners or headers for documents, presentations, or web pages, or to add visual emphasis to messages or announcements.

The resulting ASCII art generated by the “banner” command is typically displayed in a monospaced font, where each character occupies an equal amount of space. The characters used are chosen specifically to create a larger visual representation of the original text.

The “banner” command offers various options and customizations to control the appearance of the generated ASCII art. For example, you can adjust the font size, choose different character sets, or specify the width of the output.

Using the “banner” command is straightforward. You simply pass the desired text or message as an argument, and the command produces the corresponding ASCII art as output. The resulting art can be redirected to a file, displayed on the terminal, or integrated into other applications or scripts.

banner Command Examples

1. Print the text message as a large banner (quotes are optional):

# banner "Hello World"

2. Print the text message as a banner with a width of 50 characters:

# banner -w 50 "Hello World"

3. Read text from stdin:

# banner


Overall, the “banner” command is a fun and creative tool for generating large ASCII art from text or messages. It provides an easy way to create visually appealing displays using characters from the ASCII character set. Whether for decorative purposes or adding emphasis to text, the “banner” command offers a simple yet effective way to transform ordinary text into eye-catching ASCII art.

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