“az version” Command Examples (Shows the current version of Azure CLI modules and extensions)

The “az version” command is a feature of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to check and display the current version of Azure CLI modules and extensions installed on your system. The Azure CLI is a command-line tool provided by Microsoft Azure for managing and interacting with Azure resources.

When you run the “az version” command, it retrieves and displays the version information of the Azure CLI modules and any installed extensions. This information includes the version number and other relevant details that help you identify the exact version of the Azure CLI components installed on your machine.

By using the “az version” command, you can verify which version of the Azure CLI you have installed, ensuring that you have the latest updates and features. It is particularly useful when you want to check if you are using the most recent version or compare your version with the available updates.

Additionally, the “az version” command provides information about any installed extensions and their respective versions. Extensions expand the capabilities of the Azure CLI by adding specific functionality for managing different Azure services or resources. Checking the version of installed extensions helps you track their updates and determine if you have the latest enhancements and bug fixes.

Keeping the Azure CLI and its extensions up-to-date is important to ensure compatibility with Azure services and access to the latest features and improvements. By using the “az version” command, you can quickly identify the versions of the Azure CLI modules and extensions on your system, facilitating maintenance and updates to match the requirements of your Azure environment.

az version Command Examples

1. Show the current version of Azure CLI modules and extensions in JSON format:

# az version

2. Show the current version of Azure CLI modules and extensions in a given format:

# az version --output [json|table|tsv]


In summary, the “az version” command is a convenient feature of the Azure CLI that provides you with information about the current version of the Azure CLI modules and installed extensions. It helps you stay informed about the versions you are using and allows you to ensure you have the latest updates and capabilities for managing your Azure resources effectively.

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