“az term” Command Examples (Manage marketplace agreement with marketplaceordering)

The “az term” command is a feature of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to manage the marketplace agreement with Marketplace Ordering. This command is designed to handle agreements related to the Azure Marketplace, where you can discover, purchase, and deploy various software applications and services from third-party vendors.

When you acquire a product or service from the Azure Marketplace, you may need to accept specific terms or agreements before you can start using it. The “az term” command enables you to manage these agreements and handle any necessary actions associated with them.

With the “az term” command, you can perform operations such as accepting marketplace terms, listing the terms you have accepted, and checking the acceptance status of specific terms. These operations allow you to keep track of the agreements you have accepted and ensure compliance with the terms and conditions set by the third-party vendors providing the products or services.

By using the Azure CLI, you can automate and script the management of marketplace agreements, making it easier to handle large-scale deployments or updates across your Azure resources. This command allows you to programmatically handle the acceptance of terms, retrieve information about the agreements you have accepted, and integrate these operations into your deployment workflows.

The “az term” command, as part of the Azure CLI, provides a convenient way to manage marketplace agreements, ensuring that you are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the third-party offerings available in the Azure Marketplace. It helps streamline the process of accepting and tracking these agreements, providing a smoother experience when acquiring and using products and services from the Azure Marketplace.

az term Command Examples

1. Print marketplace terms:

# az term show --product "product_identifier" --plan "plan_identifier" --publisher "publisher_identifier"

2. Accept marketplace terms:

# az term accept --product "product_identifier" --plan "plan_identifier" --publisher "publisher_identifier"
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