aws cognito-idp: Manage Amazon Cognito user pool and its users and groups using the CLI

“aws cognito-idp” is a command-line interface (CLI) tool provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to manage Amazon Cognito user pools and their associated users and groups. Amazon Cognito is a fully managed service that simplifies user authentication and authorization for your applications. With “aws cognito-idp,” you can easily interact with user pools and perform administrative tasks using the command line.

Here are the key features and capabilities of “aws cognito-idp”:

  • User Pool Management: “aws cognito-idp” allows you to create, configure, and manage user pools, which are user directories for your applications. You can use the CLI to create new user pools, update their settings, and delete pools when they are no longer needed.
  • User Management: The CLI provides commands to manage user accounts within a user pool. You can create new user accounts, modify user attributes, reset passwords, enable or disable accounts, and delete users when necessary. This enables you to have fine-grained control over your application’s user base.
  • Group Management: User groups are a way to organize and manage users within a user pool. With “aws cognito-idp,” you can create groups, add users to groups, and manage group membership. This allows you to define different access levels or permissions for different groups of users.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Amazon Cognito provides various authentication methods, including username and password, social sign-in, and multi-factor authentication. Using “aws cognito-idp,” you can configure and manage these authentication options for your user pool, ensuring secure and seamless user authentication.
  • Customization and Branding: “aws cognito-idp” offers commands to customize the user interface and branding of your user pool. You can set up custom domain names, define custom email templates for user communication, and configure custom authentication flows to align with your application’s branding and user experience.
  • User Import and Export: The CLI tool allows you to import and export user data in bulk. This is useful when migrating users from an existing system to Amazon Cognito or when backing up and restoring user data. You can import user data from CSV files or export user data to CSV format for analysis or backup purposes.
  • Integration with Other AWS Services: “aws cognito-idp” seamlessly integrates with other AWS services. You can use it in conjunction with AWS Lambda to create custom workflows or triggers based on user events. Additionally, it integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained access control and permissions management.
  • Automation and Scripting: By leveraging the CLI, you can automate administrative tasks related to user pools and user management. This allows you to incorporate these actions into scripts or automation workflows, enabling seamless integration with your application’s deployment and infrastructure processes.

aws cognito-idp Command Examples

1. Create a new Cognito user pool:

# aws cognito-idp create-user-pool --pool-name name

2. List all user pools:

# aws cognito-idp list-user-pools --max-results 10

3. Delete a specific user pool:

# aws cognito-idp delete-user-pool --user-pool-id user_pool_id

4. Create a user in a specific pool:

# aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --username username --user-pool-id user_pool_id

5. List the users of a specific pool:

# aws cognito-idp list-users --user-pool-id user_pool_id

6. Delete a user from a specific pool:

# aws cognito-idp admin-delete-user --username username --user-pool-id user_pool_id


In summary, “aws cognito-idp” CLI tool provides a convenient and efficient way to manage Amazon Cognito user pools, users, and groups from the command line. It empowers developers and administrators to perform administrative tasks, configure authentication options, manage user accounts, and automate user pool management processes. Whether you are building web or mobile applications, “aws cognito-idp” CLI offers the flexibility and control to handle user authentication and authorization in a secure and scalable manner.

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