asdf – Command-line interface for managing versions of different packages

“asdf” is a powerful command-line interface (CLI) tool that simplifies the management of multiple versions of different packages. It provides a convenient way to install, manage, and switch between various versions of programming languages, runtimes, frameworks, and other software packages. With asdf, developers can effortlessly handle versioning complexities, ensuring compatibility and flexibility within their development environments.

Here are the key features and functionalities of asdf:

  • Version Management: asdf is specifically designed to manage versions of different packages. It supports a wide range of programming languages and tools, including but not limited to Python, Ruby, Node.js, Java, Elixir, Erlang, and more. Users can easily install and switch between multiple versions of these packages, allowing them to work on different projects or maintain compatibility with specific application requirements.
  • Simple Command-Line Interface: asdf offers a user-friendly command-line interface, making it easy to install, manage, and switch between package versions. Users can utilize simple commands to install specific versions of packages, list available versions, set the active version, and switch between different versions as needed. The intuitive CLI enables efficient package management without the need for manual installation or complex configuration.
  • Plugin System: asdf features a plugin system that allows users to extend its capabilities by adding additional package managers. These plugins enable support for additional programming languages and tools, allowing users to manage an even broader range of software packages through a unified interface. The plugin system enhances the flexibility and versatility of asdf, making it adaptable to various development environments.
  • Dependency Management: asdf takes care of managing package dependencies and their respective versions. It ensures that the correct versions of dependencies are installed and used, avoiding conflicts or compatibility issues between different packages. This simplifies the process of managing dependencies and reduces the effort required to set up and maintain a consistent development environment.
  • Version Overrides: asdf allows users to define version overrides on a per-project basis. This means that developers can specify a particular version of a package to be used for a specific project, regardless of the globally set version. This feature ensures that projects remain isolated and can have their own unique package versions, facilitating project-specific requirements and maintaining consistency across different development projects.
  • Scriptable and Automatable: asdf is designed to be scriptable and automatable, allowing developers to incorporate it into their build systems or continuous integration workflows. Users can leverage the command-line interface and integrate asdf commands into scripts or automation pipelines to manage package versions seamlessly. This facilitates the setup and maintenance of consistent development environments across different stages of the software development lifecycle.
  • Community-Driven and Extensible: asdf benefits from an active and supportive community of users and contributors. The community actively maintains and updates plugins, provides documentation, and offers support through forums and chat channels. This ensures that asdf remains up-to-date, compatible with the latest package versions, and well-supported by the community.

1. List all available plugins:

# asdf plugin list all

2. Install a plugin:

# asdf plugin add name

3. List all available versions for a package:

# asdf list all name

4. Install a specific version of a package:

# asdf install name version

5. Set global version for a package:

# asdf global name version

6. Set local version for a package:

# asdf local name version


In summary, asdf is a command-line interface that simplifies the management of multiple versions of different packages. With its user-friendly CLI, plugin system, dependency management capabilities, and version overrides, asdf provides developers with a convenient way to handle versioning complexities and maintain consistent development environments. Its scriptability, automation support, and vibrant community make asdf a valuable tool for managing package versions across a wide range of programming languages and tools.

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