asciiart Command Examples in Linux

asciiart is a command in Linux that is used to convert an image into ASCII art. ASCII art is a form of text-based art that uses ASCII characters to represent images. The asciiart command allows you to convert an image into ASCII art by specifying the path to the image file and the desired width and height of the ASCII art.

For example, you can use the asciiart command to convert an image file called “image.jpg” into ASCII art with a width of 80 characters and a height of 40 characters by using the following command:

# asciiart image.jpg -w 80 -h 40

The asciiart command is not a standard command in most Linux distributions, so you may need to install it before you can use it. You can usually find instructions on how to install asciiart by searching the internet or by consulting the documentation for your Linux distribution.

Once you have installed asciiart, you can use it to convert any image file that is supported by the ImageMagick software library, which is used by asciiart to process images. This includes common image file formats such as JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

asciiart Command Examples

1. Read an image from a file and print in ASCII:

# asciiart path/to/image.jpg

2. Read an image from a URL and print in ASCII:

# asciiart

3. Choose the output width (default is 100):

# asciiart --width 50 path/to/image.jpg

4. Colorize the ASCII output:

# asciiart --color path/to/image.jpg

5. Choose the output format (default format is text):

# asciiart --format text|html path/to/image.jpg

6. Invert the character map:

# asciiart --invert-chars path/to/image.jpg
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